4. Owner Move-In Fraud and Wrongful Evictions

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4. Owner Move-In Fraud and Wrongful Evictions
If a tenant has not done anything that breaches the lease, one of the only ways a landlord can permanently evict a tenant is via an owner move-in eviction (OMI). OMI evictions have very complex laws and they are different in the various Bay Area cities that have them.
We have handled a large number of these type of cases in San Francisco, Berkeley and Oakland, so if you are being evicted by your owner and they are claiming an owner or relative move-in, call us for a free consultation.
In addition, if you have already moved out pursuant to an owner move-in notice and you believe that the owner or relative has not actually moved in, contact us immediately especially since there is a statute of limitations from the date you believed the owner or relative of the owner did not move into the subject property. We employ private investigators and numerous other means in many of our cases to ascertain if there has been a fraudulent owner move-in and we have repeatedly had successful results on these types of wrongful eviction lawsuits.