7. Personal Injuries
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7. Personal Injuries
Greenstein and McDonald has filed many personal injury cases for tenants, including tenants who were the victims of fires, toxic mold, bed bugs, rats, carbon monoxide or lead poisoning, and falls related to hazardous conditions. We also successfully settled a toxic tort case involving a contaminated well in the East Bay which supplied drinking water to a housing complex. In another case, Greenstein and McDonald successfully sued for a tenant who was seriously injured by another tenant and the landlord and property management company were on notice that the tenant had threatened the injured tenant multiple times. There are numerous other personal injury cases we have effectively prosecuted. Our firm has a lot of experience with medical records and prosecuting complex personal injury cases. We are also equipped to file wrongful death cases.
Most personal injury cases involve negligence claims against the landlord and their agents. In many cases in which there is a violation of a law (e.g. fire codes in a fire case), the claim could be for negligence per se and the burden of proof is much easier to meet.
Call us for a free consultation if you have been injured at a rental property or elsewhere.